Weather and wind conditions are very relevant in outdoor sports. Whether you practice golf, athletics, archery or cycling; wind speed and direction can have an impact on the performance of sports causing a worse or even better result. Knowing real time wind conditions can help to improve results on the field in order to decide strategic moves.
The Ultrasonic Portable wind meter from Calypso Instruments provides a perfect solution for those sport lovers who want to improve their performances. Our wind sensors give accurate and reliable data about the wind speed and direction in real time, allowing the user to connect to it via bluetooth with their phone or GARMIN watch and obtain the wind data through a free app. Thanks to its small size and light weight, our portable anemometer can be used as a hand-held or stand-alone wind meter.

For golf players and clubs.

Measure wind on track and field races.

Calculate the trajectory and drifting.

Decide strategies on your bike .
Wind is one of the environmental factors that affects the most when playing golf. Measuring wind speed and direction in real time could be really useful during a golf practice, no matter if you are a professional or amateur player.
Tracking wind information directly from your mobile device will help you to choose the perfect stroke. Wind data can be available right on your phone or watch, and you can carry your anemometer in your pocket or your golf cart.
If you are in charge of a golf club, you can also create a network with several anemometers distributed around the golf course and collect the data in a central point or allow the players to get that information on their phones.
Calypso Instruments provides wind measuring solutions for Players, Golf Courses and OEM's. For further information, please go to our Golf Meters by Calypso Instruments website.
In track and field, running against the wind or with it can really make the difference in finishing times. Knowing the wind before the races is a benefit for those athletes who can change their strategy facing the race.
Wind speed and direction can help or restrict athletes. Real time information about wind speed and direction are critical data to be measured at track and field races.
Wind effects can have an important impact on archery and trapshooting activities. Shooters and archers can use wind information to their advantage to make a great shot. Wind speed and direction may alter the trajectory, shooting either high or low or drifting it away from the target.
Measuring and monitoring real time wind speed and direction data can be useful to know the perfect arrow to choose, in the case of archery, and determine the shooting distance, in the case of trapshooting. The anemometer fits in your pocket and you can track the data right on your phone or watch to minimize the risk of uncontrolled wind affecting archery and trapshooting.
Time trials are important when qualifying for a big championship. Knowing the speed and direction of the wind may be of great help for the cycling team to decide which strategy should be followed- how close they should be to a curve, or how they should position. All these factors have a direct impact on the aerodynamics which has become an essential aspect for cycling races.
For those professionals who are accompanied during long cycling races with another vehicle, our handheld anemometer is the device which will provide such information, and by being connected via bluetooth to their smartphone device will help plan strategies during races.
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Free Anemotracker App
Connect your device to your Smartphone
With Anemotracker App you can get wind speed and direction from your Ultrasonic Portable Mini and Ultrasonic Portable Solar bluetooth anemometers. You can also save your wind meter data when tracking.
Available for
. Compatible with
Garmin Connect IQ

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Whether you are an OEM, a farmer or the owner of a weather station do not miss the chance to test our products. We are open to modify our firmware, hardware and software to fit your needs.
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