Technology has evolved incredibly along the past few years and the value of the “data” has taken an important spot with sailors. As a result, many companies such as Calypso Instruments have developed ultrasonic wind meters which offer key information to sailors to make important and decisive movements: which way they turn the wheel or tiller to make the meter get to the desired place, among others.
Whether you are a professional or amateur navigator, measuring wind speed and direction is absolutely a key factor to improve your sailing!
The handheld portable wind meter and the ultra low power ultrasonic wind meter from Calypso Instruments deliver high quality and accurate wind speed and direction data, allowing the user to measure wind speed and direction in real time and connect it to a data logger and display (Ultra-Low-Power) or connect it via bluetooth to your phone or Garmin watch with a free app (Portable wind meter).
Thanks to its small size, light weight and robustness, it is a perfect solution for getting wind speed and directional data while sailing. If you belong to any of the groups below, Calypso wind sensors are the solution for you!






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Free Anemotracker App
Connect your device to your Smartphone
With Anemotracker App you can get wind speed and direction from your Ultrasonic Portable Mini and Ultrasonic Portable Solar bluetooth anemometers. You can also save your wind meter data when tracking.
Available for
. Compatible with
Garmin Connect IQ

Compatible display apps
The Calypso Instruments Portable Range (Ultrasonic Portable Solar and Ultrasonic Portable Mini wind meters) is compatible with the Sailmon Max, Vakaros Atlas 2, Sailracer or FastSkipper display apps among others.
Other Marine Compatible Apps
Different compatible solutions for your device
More than 8 different Marine applications compatible for your device ( Weather 4D, Sentinel Marine Solutions, iRegatta, eStela, Sail Racer, EDO Sailing Instruments, Sailgrib, qtVLm Navigation and Routing or Tactiqs among others).

We are here to help you with your project.
Whether you are an OEM, a farmer or the owner of a weather station do not miss the chance to test our products. We are open to modify our firmware, hardware and software to fit your needs.
+1 (727) 240-3479
2655 S. Le Jeune Road, Ste#905
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
+34 976 291 839
Alfonso Soláns Serrano 20, Local 12
Zaragoza, Spain 50014